
Announcement for the IEEE R10 WIE VEEP Fund recipients

Dear All, Hi! I am very happy to announce that this year R10 WIE VEEP Fund proposals has been reviewed and evaluated finally. Considering the projects objectives, impacts as well as the budget plans, the R10 WIE committee have selected 5 proposals out of 20 submissions to fund, although all the submissions are very good...

Call for Proposal: IEEE R10 WIE Special Support Fund 2022

Scope of proposals All proposed projects/events should meet the Mission and Vision of IEEE WIE. Objectives of WIE support fund Promote women involvement in science and engineering in R10Encourage the...

Call for Proposal- Visibility Enhancement through Events Program (VEEP)

Region 10 Women in Engineering (WIE) Call for Proposal Visibility Enhancement through Events Program (VEEP) Scope of proposals All proposed projects should meet the Mission and Vision of IEEE WIE: Objectives of VEEP To enhance the visibility of R10 female engineering and students, to enhance the networking and knowledge sharing of them in IEEE global and R10 flagship events,...

Call for Proposals

IEEE R10 WIE committee invites you to submit proposals to bid for R10 WIE support fund for the following activities:   1. R10 WIE PROGRESS Project Support Fund 2011 2. R10 WIE STAR Support Fund 2011 3. R10 WIE Congress/Forum Support Fund 2011 4. R10 WIE Conference Support Fund 2011INVITED PROPOSALS 1. R10 WIE PROGRESS Project Support Fund 2011...

Announcement of R10 VEEP Fund Recivers -Visibility Enhancement through Events Program (VEEP)

Message from IEEE WIE Coordinator: I am very happy to announce that this year R10 WIE VEEP Fund proposals has been collected and evaluated finally! Thanks for all the submitted proposals and congratulations for the following 5 projects: 1. IEEE WIE AG Sri Lanka Section ---“For empowering females of the next generation” on 7th and 8th...


The IEEE R10 Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of the Year Award is given annually to one WIE Affinity Group (including Student Affinity Group) in Asia pacific Region (R10) that have shown outstanding leadership and initiative in organizing activities. The award is based on programs that took place during the period of 1...

IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering’s MentorHer 2022

Overview and Impact The IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering is excited to launch ‘MentorHer’ - our flagship mentorship initiative. This 6-month opportunity will connect selected mentees with mentors from the region to work together on designing and implementing a professional development plan. Mentor-mentee pairs will work together to...

2024 IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional/Student Volunteer Award: Call for Nomination

The R10 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) takes initiatives to provide various values for IEEE members and societies in Asia Pacific Region (R10) and promote achievements of women engineers/professionals. Our missions are: Inspire, Engage, Encourage and Empower contribution of women in science and technology...

IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering’s MentorHer

Overview and Impact The IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering is excited to launch ‘MentorHer’ - our pilot mentorship program. This 8-week opportunity will connect 5 mentees with 5 mentors from the region to work together on designing and implementing a professional development plan. Mentor-mentee pairs will work together...

[Announcement] 2021 IEEE R10 WIE Awards Recipients

IEEE Region 10 continues to nurture and develop strong awards and recognitions program to promote outstanding volunteer services and contributions. It is our great pleasure and honor to announce the winners of the 2021 R10 WIE Awards.  ** R10 Women in Engineering Outstanding Section Affinity Group Award:...