R10 WIE Awards 2024

List of Awards


2024 R10 WIE Awards Recipients

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Section WIE Affinity Group Award: IEEE Hyderabad Section WIE Affinity Group

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Branch WIE Affinity Group Award:  Silver Oak University IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, Gujarat Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award: Vijayalaxmi Biradar (Madhya Pradesh Section)

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer Award: Dharani V (Madras Section) 

2023 R10 WIE Awards Recipients

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Section WIE Affinity Group Award: IEEE Karagpur Section WIE Affinity Group

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Branch WIE Affinity Group Award: North South University IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, Bangladesh Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award: Safoora Saleem (Lahore Section)

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer Award: Abinayaa T (Madras Section) 

2022 R10 WIE Awards Recipients

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Section WIE Affinity Group Award: IEEE Gujarat Section WIE Affinity Group

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Branch WIE Affinity Group Award: Gogte Institute of Technology IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, Bangalore Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award: Piyapan Hannarkin (Thailand Section)

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer Award: Guntur Renu (Hyderabad Section) 


2021 R10 WIE Awards Recipients

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Section WIE Affinity Group Award: IEEE Sendai Section WIE Affinity Group

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Branch WIE Affinity Group Award: VNR VJIET IEEE WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, Hyderabad Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award: Ray Hua Horng, Taipei Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer Award: Virendra Pratap Singh, Delhi Section


2020 R10 WIE Awards Recipients

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Section WIE Affinity Group Award: IEEE Hyderabad Section WIE Affinity Group

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Branch WIE Affinity Group Award: Sardar Patel Institute of Technology WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, Bombay Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award: Divya M G, Bangalore Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer Award: Sai Divya Nallapaneni, Hyderabad Section


2019 R10 WIE Awards Recipients

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Section WIE Affinity Group Award: IEEE Kerala Section WIE Affinity Group

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Branch WIE Affinity Group Award: Universiti Sains Malaysia WIE Student Branch, Malaysia Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award: Takako Hashimoto, Tokyo Section

▸IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Student Volunteer Award: Misbah Hassan Abbasi, Islamabad Section