IEEE Region 10 continues to nurture and develop strong awards and recognitions program to promote outstanding volunteer services and contributions.
R10 WIEC have worked conscientiously over the past five to six months despite the COVID 19 Pandemic situation to select worthy recipients for R10 WIE awards.
It is our great pleasure and honor to announce the winners of the 2020 R10 WIE Awards.
** R10 Women in Engineering Outstanding Section Affinity Group Award:
IEEE Hyderabad Section WIE Affinity Group
** R10 Women in Engineering Outstanding Student Branch Affinity Group Award:
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology WIE Student Branch Affinity Group, Bombay Section
** R10 Women in Engineering Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award:
Divya M G, Bangalore Section
** R10 Women in Engineering Outstanding Student Volunteer Award:
Sai Divya Nallapaneni, Hyderabad Section
Congratulations to all the 2020 R10 WIE Award Recipients.
And also we really thank all the participants, and wish continued outstanding success.