
IEEE WIE Global Summit 2016 at Bangalore

  IEEE WIE Global Summit 2016 IEEE WIE Global Summit 2016 at Bangalore is a meeting of women in technology from across the globe, aiming to inspire, engage and empower other women. The Summit coincides with the R10 Students, Young Professionals and Life Members Congresses, and with the start of Region 10 50th Anniversary Celebrations. The...

Region 10 WIE’s Photo Contest is now OPEN!

Dear IEEE Members IEEE Region 10 WIE's Online Photo contest is now Open!  Submit your Photos and Win cool gifts. Terms & Conditions 1. THEME : ' Women in the world ! ' 2. Photos SHOULD be clicked by the Participant only (Pictures taken from Internet or any other source are seriously restricted and leads to disqualification of that...

WIE Track at TENCON 2019 (Kerala Section WIE)

IEEE TENCON 2019, the Flagship conference of IEEE Region 10 was held during 17th to 20th October 2019 at Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatti, Kerala, India.  The 4-day International conference of IEEE Region 10, was inaugurated by Hon Governor of Kerala Shri.Arif Mohammed Khan inaugurated the conference on Friday, 18th October at 10am....

Call for Proposals for 2014 R10 WIE Support Fund

IEEE R10 WIE committee invites SECTIONs to submit project proposals to bid for 2014 WIE support fund. The proposal form 2014_R10WIEFund_propsal_form must be completed and submitted by SECTION. Call for Proposal printable: CFP_WIEFund BASIC POLICY So far, R10 WIE has supported WIE Section/SB AGs directly by selecting projects sent by them. But this year, R10 would like to support...

Final Winner of IEEE R10 WIE web contest announced!

Dear members, The Final winner of our web contest is selected as per the winner being in Top 3 for both Online web contest # 1 and # 2.  Therefore, the Final winner of IEEE R10 Web Contest #1 and 2 is Lisa Ann Mathew. Congratulations Lisa! Please report us immediately to with your Mailing...

CFN: 2014 R10 WIE Student/Professional Volunteer Award‏

Download the CFN for 2014 R10 WIE Student/Professional Volunteer Award and the Nomination Forms: 2014 IEEE Region 10 WIE Volunteer Award Nomination Form

IEEE WIE Global Summit 2016

IEEE WIE Global Summit 2016 IEEE WIE Global Summit 2016 at Bangalore is a meeting of women in technology from across the globe, aiming to inspire, engage and empower other women. The Summit coincides with the R10 Students, Young Professionals and Life Members Congresses, and with the start of Region 10 50th Anniversary Celebrations. The...

Winner of IEEE R10 WIE Photo Contest announced!

Dear Members The WINNER of our IEEE Region 10 WIE online Photo Contest is Mr. Shiva Dharshan. From 28 nominations received till the deadline, his nomination fulfills the BEST in selection criteria - Originality and Theme. He has nominated the below picture for our Theme: 'Women in the World!' CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Shiva!  'WOMEN FIGHT BACK FOR THEIR...

[2019] R10 WIE Change Makers

Region 10 WIE initiated a new project in 2019 named “WIE Change Makers”. This is a partial travel funding program for WIE volunteers to attend and present at the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit (WIE ILS). IEEE WIE ILS provides opportunities for global networking, mentorship, and collaboration...

Announcement of Web contest #1 Results

Dear Members, The answer for Online Web Contest # 1 is Oprah Winfrey. She is well known for her Leadership qualities through her 'Oprah Winfrey show', hosted to interview successful people from all across the world. Tune up to her official site at to know more about her. After careful evaluation of forty three entries, our R10 WIE Team announces...