Dear Section Chairs and WIE Affinity Group Chairs,
Thank you for submitting the proposal to R10 WIE support fund 2013.  This year, R10 WIE received a total number of 59 proposals.
After careful consideration, R10 WIE committee has reached the final decision to award 35 proposals.  
(Attached please find the results of R10 WIE fund support.) Link: R10WIEFundSelectionResult
The decision is based on the quality/impact of the activities proposed, distribution of Affinity Group and type of activities.
Decision e-mails will be sent to the proposers stated in the proposal. 
Congratulations to all the recipients and a big thanks to all the participants.
R10 WIE wishes for the fruitful activities your Affinity Group will organize.
Sincerely Yours,
Takako Hashimoto
R10 WIE Coordinator 2013-2014