R10 WIE Special Support Fund 2023


Funding Objective and Scope

Region 10 aims to support WIE Affinity Group to organize various types of activity in their local community. The activity should focus on promoting women in engineering, sciences, and technology in both technical and personal development aspects. 

Each year’s theme of activity is different but follows the current mission and vision of IEEE. In 2023-2024, IEEE will pay attention to climate change’s importance and encourage every IEEE organization unit to organize an activity that addresses the need to prevent or stop climate change. 

Region 10 WIE also wants to encourage all of our regional AGs to address the needs, challenges, or struggles that WIE has to go through in the era of climate change. IEEE Region 10 WIE committee is then presenting the special support funds for WIE AGs who wish to organize events or activities that would raise the awareness of the World’s Climate Change and the Role of Women in Engineering to combat the challenge or to raise concerns internationally. 

For more information please visit https://wie.ieeer10.org/r10-wie-special-support-fund/