
2020 R10 WIE Outstanding Section/Student Branch Affinity Group Award: Call for Nomination

We would like to inform that the 2020 Region 10 Awards Call for Nomination will be extended to 15 May 2020. As we continue to combat this global pandemic, we hope everyone stay well and healthy.Thank you for your continued support of our shared mission to advance technology...

IEEE WIE Leadership Summit (ILS)-Malaysia

2017 IEEE WIE ILS is one of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) global initiatives to provide leading edge professional development for early-career, mid-level and senior women. It is intended to bring together female and male leaders from around the world who are interested in advancing women in engineering and technology.   This year, Malaysia has won...

2020 IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Professional/Student Volunteer Award: Call for Nomination

We would like to inform that the 2020 Region 10 Awards Call for Nomination will be extended to 15 May 2020. As we continue to combat this global pandemic, we hope everyone stay well and healthy. Thank you for your continued support of our shared mission to advance...

R10 Students/Young professionals/WIE/Life member Congress 2016

R10 Students,  Young Professionals, WIE and Life Member are having their congress on 25-27 August, 2016. This year, the venue is The Lalit Ashok, Bangalore, India. The congress has a vision of creating  leaders for the future of IEEE who will by spirit and word, live by the values and philosophy of IEEE, where these...

Call for participants for SYWL Congress 2018

2018 IEEE SYWL Congress: Call for participants  ==================================================== Dear Section / Subsection / Council Chairs, Registration for IEEE Student / Young Professionals / WIE / Life Member (SYWL) Congress 2018 is now Open at:  This year, the congress will be held on 30 August – 2 September 2018, in Prime Plaza Hotel, Sanur – Bali, Indonesia. The theme for this year is “Collaborative Innovation for...

R10 WIE Workplan 2018

R10 WIE Workplan 2018________________________________________________________ Dear Section/Council Chairs: The objectives of R10 WIE work plan in 2018 are focused on to promote women involvement in science and engineering in R10 and enhance their networking and knowledge sharing. We will facilitate the development of supporting program and activities of WIE in R10. We will also recognize WIE members’as...

IEEE Women in Engineering International Summit Pune 2016

The IEEE Women in Engineering International Summit Pune 2016 committee in collaboration with IEEE WIE and IEEE WIE Pune Affinity group announces WIE - IS 2016 to be held in Pune, India on 23rd-24th September, 2016. IEEE - WIE-IS Pune 2016 is a summit of women across the globe who aim to inspire, engage and...

IEEE R10 WIE Outstanding Volunteer Award: Call for Nomination

The R10 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) takes initiatives to provide various values for IEEE members and societies in Asia pacific Region (R10) and promote achievements of women engineers/professionals. The visions are: • Inspire, Engage, Encourage and Empower contribution of women in science and technology worldwide, and especially...

[Announcement] 2020 IEEE R10 WIE Awards Recipients

IEEE Region 10 continues to nurture and develop strong awards and recognitions program to promote outstanding volunteer services and contributions. R10 WIEC have worked conscientiously over the past five to six months despite the COVID 19 Pandemic situation to select worthy recipients for R10 WIE awards.

2018 IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit- Call for proposal

2018 IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit- Call for proposal The 2017 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) International Leadership Summits were extremely successful and have made an outstanding impact on communities around the globe! IEEE WIE International Leadership Summits provide regional networking opportunities to foster communication and collaboration. IEEE WIE volunteers are creative, engaged, organized and passionate...